

发布时间:2023-12-26 23:26:35



GoLand is a popular integrated development environment (IDE) for the Go programming language. It is created by JetBrains, the company behind popular IDEs such as IntelliJ IDEA and PyCharm. GoLand has many features that can help developers write code faster and more efficiently. In this article, we will explore some of the most useful GoLand shortcuts and techniques that can help you get the most out of this powerful IDE.

Basic Shortcuts

GoLand has many keyboard shortcuts that can save you time and make your coding experience more efficient. Here are some of the most basic shortcuts:

- Ctrl + N: Quickly open and navigate to any file in your project.

- Ctrl + Shift + N: Quickly open and navigate to any symbol in your project, including classes, functions, and variables.

- Ctrl + Space: Trigger autocompletion for your code. This can help you write code faster as you will not have to type out every word.

- Ctrl + Shift + Space: Trigger smart autocompletion. This will suggest only the most relevant options based on the context in which you are writing your code.

- Ctrl + F: Search for a specific string in your code.

- Ctrl + Shift + F: Search for a specific string in your entire project.

- Ctrl + Shift + R: Replace a specific string in your entire project.

Advanced Shortcuts

In addition to the basic shortcuts, GoLand has many advanced shortcuts that can help you become even more productive. Here are some of the most useful advanced shortcuts:

- Ctrl + Alt + T: Surround a block of code with a statement, such as if, try, or for. This can save you time by automatically generating the surrounding code block.

- Ctrl + D: Duplicate the current line or selection. This can help you quickly generate similar lines of code.

- Ctrl + Y: Delete the current line or selection. This can help you quickly get rid of unwanted code.

- Alt + Enter: Show the context menu, which contains useful suggestions and fixes for your code.

- Ctrl + Alt + L: Reformat your code to follow the Go style guidelines.

- Ctrl + Shift + A: Search for any action, command, or setting in GoLand.


In addition to shortcuts, GoLand has many techniques that can help you write better code. Here are some of the most useful techniques:

- Code Completion: GoLand has powerful code completion that can suggest code based on the context in which you are writing. This can help you write code faster and more accurately.

- Refactoring: GoLand has many built-in refactoring tools that can help you improve the quality of your code. For example, you can use extract function to turn a block of code into a function, or rename to change the name of a variable or function throughout your codebase.

- Debugging: GoLand has a powerful debugging feature that allows you to step through your code and see the values of variables at any point in time. This can help you quickly identify and fix bugs in your code.

- Testing: GoLand has built-in support for Go testing, which allows you to run tests and see the results directly in the IDE.


GoLand is a powerful IDE for the Go programming language. It has many features that can help developers write code faster and more efficiently. In this article, we explored some of the most useful GoLand shortcuts and techniques that you can use to improve your coding experience. By mastering these shortcuts and techniques, you can become a more productive and efficient Go programmer.



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